
Showing posts from August, 2024

Van Til Was A Genius For This

  Hey,  Take a look at this passage from Van Til’s An Introduction to Systematic Theology : “ all non-Christian forms of epistemology there is first the idea that to be understood a fact must be understood exhaustively. It must be reducible to a part of a system of timeless logic. But man himself and the facts of his experience are subject to change. How is he ever to find within himself an a priori resting point? He himself is on the move. …Every effort of man to find one spot that he can exhaustively understand either in the world of fact about him or in the world of experience within, is doomed to failure. If we do not with Calvin presuppose the self-contained God back of the self-conscious act of the knowing mind of man, we are doomed to be lost in an endless and bottomless flux.” Many people may have seen this quote, but I don’t think many appreciate how much it displays Van Til’s genius. Let’s break it down piece by piece… “ all non-Christian forms of epistemology there