My Books

Hello! If you like the content on this blog, you can check out some of my books here:

The Folly of Unbelief: Philosophical Illustrations of the Futility of Unbelieving Thought (Amazon)

The Folly of Unbelief presents a clear and powerful illustration of the philosophical futility of unbelief. The Bible tells us that only the foolish reject Christ and His revelation. The Folly of Unbelief presents a philosophical illustration of this biblical truth. 

“ If the only item in your apologetic arsenal is the question, "By what standard?", then frankly, you don't have an effective apologetic.

How, then, can we present a biblically faithful, but intellectually serious, apologetic methodology? Daniel Akande, an up-and-coming Van Tilian author, has written the enchiridion for all presuppositional apologists looking to step up their game.

Traversing issues ranging from universals and particulars to mathematical relations to moral and epistemic normativity, Akande deftly vindicates the Christian worldview as the only viable system of thought capable of securing the foundations for rational thought. The author exposes the folly of unbelief in its manifold forms: naturalism, deism, unitarianism, and polytheism—all of which slay reason on the altar of chance and impersonalism.”

Chris Matthews, Author at Lamb's Reign and editor of the Journal of Christian Reconstruction

  I AM, therefore I think: Irrefutable Proof of God’s Existence (FREE)


  1. Hi Daniel. I've recently watch a couple of recent videos where you've discussed your latest book "The Folly of Unbelief..." I found the interview with Eli Ayala from Revealed Apologetics most interesting and I'd like to purchase a PDF version of your book. I can only find the Kindle version and hoping you can steer me to a website where I can download one? Looking forward to reading your book Daniel. God bless.


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