“If God made the Universe, who made God?”
There is something of a meme in Christian apologetics circles, especially those that endorse the Kalam or other cosmological arguments. The meme is “bUt WhO cReaTeD gOd??” It’s a meme that ridicules people who object to cosmological arguments by asking the above question or similar questions. The question “who created God” is really an objection aimed that the causal principles in cosmological arguments. Basically, if everything has a cause (causal principle), then God must also have a cause! The consensus amongst most apologists is that such an objection is one of the weakest against (modern) cosmological arguments because it fails to realize that the causal principles utilized in such arguments are limited in scope. The Kalam Cosmological Argument, for example, uses a causal principles that only applies to things that began to exist. So when the question is asked “but who created God?” Or “but what caused God?” The answer is immediately given that God does not need a cause becau...